Gymnastic mcq for physical education | fitness22pk

Gymnastic mcq for physical education | fitness22pk


1.  The first women's Olympic competition in gymnastics were held in which year?

a.         1900                                                     

b.         1928

c.         1932                                                     

d.         1936

2. Name the player who won 18 olympic medals from the1956 to 1964 Olympics. •

a.         Larissa Latynina                                

b.         Hana Ruzickova

c.         Larissa Paatrik                                     

d.         Karin Zanz

3. What are the different disciplines in Team gym?

a.         Trampette, Tumbling and Floor.           

b.         Tumbling and Floor                                           

c.         Pommel Horse, Parallel Bars, Floor.     

d.         High Bar, Pommel Horse.

4. Name the player who won 2 gold medals for the balance beam and the floor exercise events at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

a.         Agnes Keleti                                        

b.         Hana Ruzickova

c.         Larissa Paatrik                                      

d.         Olga Korbut

5. Name the player who was paralyzed after falling on vault box in 1998

a.         Takshi Ono                                           

b.         Sang Lan

c.         Boris Shakhlin                                      

d.         Yokio Endo

6. Akinori Nakayama, the gymnast who won 7 medals in various events at 1968 Mexico Olympics belonged to which country?

a.         Japan                         

b.         China

c.         Denmark                                             

d.         Yugoslavia

12.  In which year were the trampoline gymnastics included in Olympics?

a.         1992                                                     

b.         1996

c.         2000                           

d.         2004

13. Name the first gymnast in history to score a perfect 10 in the 1976 Canada Olympics.

a.         Nadia Comaneci                    

b.         Olga Korbut

c.         Mary Luo Retton                                 

d.         Shannon Miller

14. Which country won the men's and women's gold medalsin the trampoline gymnastics events at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games?

a.         Britian                                                 

b.         USA

c.         France                                                  

d.         Russia

15.  According to the German Concept of Physical Education, the Mother of all Games and Sports is-

a.         Swimming                                           

b.         Gymnastic

c.         Athletics                                              

d.         Combative

17. Gymnastics is name of different kind of physical activities which need

a.         Agility                                                 

b.         Flexibility                   

c.         Skill Coordinating                                

d.         All of above

18.  ________is key technical activity

a.         Sports                                                 

b.         Games

c.         Athletic                                               

d.         Gymnastics

19. Chances of injuries are maximum in ------

a.         Jumping                                  

b.         Running

c.         Throwing                                            

d.         Gymnastics

20. Gymnastics is a very complex competition involved the performance of -------

a.         Exercise                                             

b.         Training

c.         Coaching                                             

d.         Teaching

21. Gymnastics and tumbling, comprising some of out most basic ______

a.         Motor fitness                                      

b.         Physical fitness

c.         Mental fitness                                     

d.         None of above

22. Artistic Gymnastics usually divide into ----- type

a.         2(men and women)                                         

b.         3         

c.         4                                                         

d.         5

23. FiG introduced a new point system for artistic gymnastic in which scored are no longer limited to ----- point

a.         5                                                         

b.         10                   

c.         6                                                         

d.         9

24. FIG introduced a new point system for artist’s gymnastics in ------

a.         2006                                                   

b.         2007

c.         2008                                                   

d.         2009

25.  _____is basic motor skill that covers extensively the mechanic of rolling

a.         Speed                                                  

b.         Agility

c.         Power                                                 

d.         Tumbling

26.   Trampoline is a ------- word

a.         Roman                                                

b.         China

c.         Greek                                                 

d.         Egyptian

27. Literally translated in Greek gymnastics mean to --------

a.         Exercise                                              

b.         Exercise naked

c.         Training                                              

d.         Both exercise and training

28.       ___is physical activities in which individual perform optional and prescribed acrobatic feats mostly in special apparatus in order to demonstrate strength balance and body control

a.         Gymnastics                                        

b.         Sport   

c.         Games                                                

d.         Training

29.       In recent Olympic Games gymnastics was played in ---- types

a.         2                                                         

b.         3

c.         4                                                         

d.         5

30.       Classes that focus on physical activity and participation can be a positive influence in the daily life of a child with disabilities and are usually highly recommend by doctor and -----

a.       Physical therapists                             

b.       Experts Proper concentration    

c.       Proper look after

31.       Gymnastics held in -------

a.      Increasing physical activity

b.      Healthy eat to control obesity

c.      Improvements in self-confidence and self-images

d.      All of above

32.       _______is one of the most important aspects of gymnastics

a.         Conditioning                                       

b.         Training

c.         Coaching                                             

d.         Teaching

33.       Trampoline mean

a.         Diving deep                                        

b.         Diving high

c.         Diving right                                         

d.         Diving

34.       Gymnastics involve ---------

a.         One system of body                             

b.         All system of body

c.         Two system of body                             

d.         Three system of body

35.       Rhythmic gymnastics can be a very ______

a.         Challenging sport                               

b.         Hard physical activity

c.         Strength physical activity                     

d.         All of above

36.       Individual rhythm gymnastics music for rountines have a time maximum of

a.         90 second                                           

b.         70 second

c.         60 second                                            

d.         50 second

37.       In rhythm gymnastics everything is done on the floor with far routine and different-------    

            a.          Music                                                 

            b.         Songs

 c.          Styles                                                  

d.          Ways

38.       The most familiar gymnastics in now-a-days is --------

a.         Artistic gymnastics                             

b.         Rhythmic gymnastics

c.         Cycling gymnastics                              

d.         Rolling gymnastics

39.       Women's artistic gymnastics including -------

a.         Uneven bars                                        

b.         Balance beam

c.         Vault and flow exercise                        

d.         All of above

40.       Gymnastics rhythm and artists combined, started in Europe during the ------- as one    sport and over time gradually developed into two different yet similar sport.

a.         18th century                                        

b.         19th century

c.         20th century                                         

d.         21st century

41.       Rhythmic gymnastics starred as an independent competition sport in the early nineteen fifties by the -----

a.         Chinese                                               

b.         Pakistani

b.         Russians                                             

c.         Arabian

42.       In nineteen sixty-three the first rhythm gymnastics world championship was held in ----       ----

a.         Europe                                               

b.         Pakistan

c.         Russia                                                 

d.         America

43.       Rhythmic has its own world champion it didn't become an Olympic medal sport until

a.         1984                                                   

b.         1985

c.         1990                                                   

d.         1999

44.       Rhythmic gymnastics is highly recognised sport in -----

a.         U.S                                                     

b.         U.K

c.         UAE                                                   

d.         Pakistan

45.       Proprioceotive neuromuscular facilitation PNF is a very effective------           technique

a.         Stretching                                           

b.         Flexibility

c.         Agility                                                 

d.         Strength

46.       The most important gymnastics tool is ---------

a.         Mates                                                 

b.         Pommel

c.         horse Vaulting box                              

d.         All of these

47.       ------------ used for the effecting gymnastics training

a.         Mates                                                 

b.         Pommel horse

c.         Vaulted box                                        

d.         All of these

48.       Mates which commonly used for gymnastics area ------- of three type

a.         2                                                         

b.         3

c.         4                                                         

d.         5

49.       The meaning of gymnastics

a.         Naked activity                                    

b.         Tuff activity

c.         Free activity                                        

d.         Combined activity

50.       _______floor mates are quite different from a tumbling mat

a.         Aerobic                                              

b.         Anaerobic

b.         High quality                                        

d.         High impact

51.       High beam are used in

a.         Volley ball                                          

b.         Basket ball

c.         Handball                                             

d.        Gymnastics

52.       A routine on the balance beam begin with a mount which can incomplete a running flop for more ------- gymnastics

a.         Advance                                             

b.         Effective

c.         Successive                                           

d.         High level

53.       The most important need of gymnastics is the ----------

a.         Available of equipment                        

b.         Awareness about the rules regulation

c.         Safety usage of equipment                    

d.         All of above

54.       ________ is needed for the motivation of gymnastics

a.         Music                                                  

b.         Picture of famous gymnast

c.         Story of famous gymnast                      

d.         All of above

55.       ______is the most important type of roll and can be preformed who has the ability to perform the other type of roll

a.         Front roll                                             

b.         Back roll         

c.         Dive roll                                             

d.         Double front roll

56.       The flight is either too vertical or horizontal is the among the type ----------

a.         Front roll                                             

b.         Back roll

c.         Dive roll                                             

d.         Double roll

57.       ______is movement easily performance by older, physical well-development gymnast

a.         Head standing                                    

b.         Front roll

c.         Back roll                                             

d.         Dive roll

58.       The basic requirements if partial bars are the strength --------

a.         Upper body                                        

b.         Lower body

c.         Both lower and upper                          

d.         None of these

59.       A gymnastics club provide children with a comfortable place that encourage

a.         Physical activity                                 

b.         Sport activity

c.         Gymnastics activity                             

d.         Games

60.       Every part of the body is used when -------

a.         Doing physical activity                        

b.         Doing gymnastics activity  

c.         Doing games activity                           

d.         None of these

61.       Parallel bars ads the main event of ---------

a.         Foot ball                                              

b.         Gymnastics

c.         Volley ball                                          

d.         Hand ball

62.       Flying rings is similar to --------

a.         Wooden rings                                      

b.         Iron ring

c.         Still ring                                             

d.         Metal ring

63.       Rope rhythm gymnastics started

a.         2001                                                   

b.         2006

c.         2007                                                   

d.         2011

64.       In addition physical activity tends to reduce feeling of ----------

a.         Depression and anxiety                      

b.         Stress and anxiety

c.         Stress and tension                                

d.         Worry and tension

65.       High bar is an exercise in manual dexterity and precision as well as courage and -------

a.         Strength                                             

b.         Speed

c.         Stamina                                               

d.         Endurance

66        -------- give young athletes a jump on valuable skill like spatial awareness and control.

a.         Trampoline                                        

b.         Pommel horse

c.          Vaulting box                                       

d.         Jumping pit

67.       Gymnastics is considered--------------

a.         Aerobics                                             

b.         Anaerobic

c.         Both A&B                                          

d.         None of above

68.       The people of -------- is famous of gymnastics

a.         China                                                 

b.         Pakistan

d.         USA                                                    

d.         Thailand

69.       ------- are prone are more famous of gymnastics

a.         Male                                                   

b.         Female

c.         Children                                              

d.         Both children and female

70.       Female are more successive In gymnastics because if ------

a.         Agility                                                 

b.         Flexibility       

c.         Strength                                               

d.         Speed


71.       ------ are often considered to be extraordinary athletes

a.         Gymnastics                                        

b.         Sportsman

c.         Player                                                 

d.         None of these

72.     Gymnastics need to concentrate in food containing ------- muscle and have access to quick energy and should avoid food

a.         Protein and carbohydrate                  

b.         Protein and minerals                

d.         Vitamins and minerals

73.     Gymnastics are typically young with their careers beginning as early as age three and lasting no longer than early --------

a.         20’s                                                    

b.         22’s    

c.         24’s                                                    

d.         27’s

74.   Young gymnastics have a high ------------

a.         Metabolic rate                                   

b.         Strength           

c.         Speed                                                  

d.         Agility

75.       -------is also necessary the day after a workout or competition during the period when muscles are repatriated and strength themselves.

a.         Protein                                               

b.         Fats     

c.         Minerals                                              

d.         Water

76.       Teen’s diet should supply ------- milligrams of iron mineral essential for transport of oxygen throughout the body

a.         15                                                       

b.         16

c.         17                                                       

d.         18

77.       Gymnast need ------ milligrams of calcium and 15 micrograph of vitamin D during the teen year

a.         1,300                                                  

b.         1,400

c.         1,500                                                  

d.         1,600

78.       The first fun type of gymnastics program can be begging

a.         5 years                                                

b.         6 year  

c.         7 years                                                

d.         8 years

79.       Who was elected as president of Pakistan gymnastics federation?

a.        Ahmad Ali rajput                               

b.         Imran Ali        

c.         Hashm Khan                                       

d.         Javeed

80.       The word gymnastics had its origin in the Greek word

a.         Gynos                                                 

b.         Gynee

c.         Gynoms                                              

d.         Gynams

81.       About -------- the Chinese developer a few activities which resembled gymnastics

a.         2600 B.C                                            

b.         711 AD

c.         2001                                                   

d.         2002

82.       The German used the word gymnastics for a -------

a.         School for her education                    

b.         College for her education

c.         Private institute for her education         

d.         University for her education

83.       The gymnastics were revived in man European countries in the beginning of -----      century

a.         18th                                                                                                           

b.          19th                                                           

c.          20th                                                                                                           

d.           21st

84.       ____write this he first gymnastics books

a.         Johann Guts Muths                            

b.         Akson

c.         Nenseeni                                             

d.         John son

85.       The first book of gymnastics entitled -----------

a.         Gymnastics for youth                         

b.         Gymnastics for well being

c.         Gymnastics for all                               

d.         Gymnastics for child

86.       The real father of gymnastics is ---------

a.         Jhon friedrick                                    

b.         AKson

c.         Nenseeni                                             

d.         John son

87. The 2nd fun type if gymnastics program can be being the age -----

a.         6 years                                                

b.         7 years

c.         8 years                                                

d.         9 years

88.       _____started the first school for training of gymnastics teacher at Copenhagen

a.         Pranznachtegall                                 

b.         Seeming sena

c.         Adalf down                                         

d.         Ramson

89.       Mssso society of gymnastics was formed in

a.         1898                                                   

b.         1886   

c.         1885                                                   

d.         1884

90.       Gymnastics must develop       

a.         Function stamina                                 

b.         Function endurance

c.         Function speed                                    

d.         Function strength

91.       Pakistan first participated in the first Asian phnompenh in the gymnastics event

a.         1966                                                   

b.         1967   

c.         1980                                                   

d.         1989

92.       Rhythmic gymnastics are required---------

a.         Extremely flexibility                          

b.         Flexibility

c.         Endurance                                           

d.         Power

93.       The Pakistan gymnastics federation git its affiliation from the federation de international gymnastics in --------

a.         1958                                                   

b.         1959

c.         1961                                                   

d.         1963

94.       ____among a few other name are the pioneers of gymnastics in Pakistan

a.         Master ghulam qadir khan                 

b.         Amir and mr. ahmad

c.         Amir and resool Khan                          

d.         Jamshaid and zeewaqar Khan

95.       The actual development of gymnastics started in early ------

a.         Greek                                                  

b.         Roman

c.         Sparta                                                 

d.         Both A&B


1.                   Female gymnasts compete on four events total.   

Vault, Uneven, Balance Beam, and Floor Exercise.

2.         Males compete on six events, and compete the events in a different order:     Floor, Pommel Horse, Rings, Vault, Parallel bars, and high bar.

3.         The Events.     In women’s artistic gymnastics, athletes compete on four apparatus (vaultuneven barsbalance beam and floor exercise).

4.         Competition: Olympic competition consists of:

a.         Team.  Five athletes are on a team. In preliminaries, Four athletes compete on each event and Three scores count. In finals, three athletes compete on each event and every score counts towards the team total.

b.          Individual All-Around.          An athlete competes on all four events and the total score is added up.

c.         Individual Events.       An event champion is named on each apparatus.