The Best Diet Plan For Every Age And Activity Level | fitness22pk

The Best Diet Plan For Every Age And Activity Level | fitness22pk

The Best Diet Plan For Every Age And Activity Level

 The diet is first thing to make a body healthier and strong. A man with physically fitness can do any task easily. we eat everyday but we never think about a proper diet to make our body fit.

Diet plan for an active person

More the activity, more active the diet. Therefore, a person who likes to play football or another sport may need a diet plan with exercise. Some exercises which are good for eating right are; Running is excellent for fat burning. Exercise and running two times per day for about 15 minutes each session will burn up all the extra calories in your body. Water aerobics or aqua aerobics is a great way to stay fit. Water aerobics is not just good for fat burning but it also assists in reducing the risk of osteoporosis and dementia. If the person wants to stay fit, then swimming is very good. The primary benefit of swimming is that it works a lot on the muscles of your body. Thus, it reduces weight and makes your whole body fit.
Diet plan for a sedentary person

The best diet is good for a weak body. It will help you lose weight while keeping up a healthy balance. Its benefits will help you to lose weight easily. A sedentary person cannot concentrate on good health. In such a case, the best diet will make him fit and active, but at the same time, it will help you lose weight. The diet for a strong body The best diet for a strong body is a combination of every food. It will help you to build your muscles. You will be fit at all time. The weight will also go away without losing your energy. The best diet plan for a strong body is a combination of 5 to 6 food groups. 1. Make sure you should have enough carbohydrates. A proper diet must consist of 60 per cent carbohydrates and 40 per cent protein. But do not forget about vegetables and fruit.

Diet plan for a teenager

Teenagers go on about extra physical activities to make it up for they are still in high school, which includes all-over body activities. Also there are a lot of games and classes that demand more from their physical fitness. Sometimes they also have the additional pressure of getting good grades, or friends and family look up to them as they are the captain of a sports team, and so, the diet becomes even more important to the teenager. Adolescents who are physically fit are less likely to smoke or drink alcohol. They are more inclined towards making healthy choices like eating less fast food. They tend to exercise in moderation, meaning that they start to exercise less when they are already eating healthy. So a teenager needs to make his or her diet fit as well.
Diet plan for a pregnant woman | fitness22pk
Diet plan for a pregnant woman

Carbohydrates are good for pregnant women. First-trimester starts with carbohydrate eating. Cut carbs by eliminating grains and fruits, consuming vegetable and salads, take tea or coffee. Carbohydrates are healthy for pregnant women as they increase the milk in a woman's body. So have a few spoon of vegetables and fruits. Now try your diet plan on pregnancy Give up on the cereal and replace it with cereals that are healthy and rich in fiber. A cup of mashed potatoes contain very little fat so eat it in small quantity. Carbs are recommended for pregnant women. Carbohydrates should be consumed by pregnant woman. Source: The Culinary Chef Diet for a sports person Strict diet plan is required for a sports person. The type of sport needs for nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins.


There are many different types of food you can eat, but try to stay away from sweets. Also, try to eat healthily.